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Oh hell yes. If you’re interested in becoming an alpha or beta reader please shoot me an email at

The below book recommendations are also those who inspired me.

  • The Farseer Series by Robin Hobb
  • The King Killer Chronicles by Patrick Rothuss
  • The Licanius Trilogy by James Islington
  • The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson
  • Age of the Five by Trudi Canavan

For me books provide three important values. Entertainment, Escapism and Inspiration.

First and foremost I hope readers enjoy my writing and it helps them relax.

Second – I’ve always enjoyed being able to escape to different worlds. Especially when trying to sleep. I hope to return the favour with my books.

Third – There have been many books that have encouraged me. I am not sure my work is there yet but they will inspire people in the future. For now I’ve left a quote below of one of my favourite inspirations from a fantasy series.

The most important step a man can take. It’s not the first one, is it?
It’s the next one. Always the next step, Dalinar.

― Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer

The Winds Calling, the second book in the Children of the Sky series after the Wind Walker. Is currently with beta readers and going to pre-order soon!

Shifter’s Tale is a new story I am writing, releasing first on Kindle Vella in episode format and then as a full novel.

Yes! I hope for there to be a trilogy. Second book should be going out for pre-orders soon!

Simon Shugar - Fantasy Author